
Did you know? Over 1 million Americans are fighting to live a better life with Parkinson’s Disease (PD), according to the Parkinson’s Foundation. This April, we join our friends at the Parkinson’s Foundation to raise awareness about the disease & how to get involved.

Awareness is the first step towards living in a world without PD; and what better time than Parkinson’s Awareness Month to start spreading the word and encouraging more people to get involved in fighting this disease. The Parkinson’s Foundation has created a campaign to celebrate Parkinson’s Awareness Month, titled #KeytoPD. Individuals from all across the country are sharing their keys to living a full & successful life with Parkinson’s Disease – be sure to follow the hashtag on all social media platforms to check out their stories!

Not only has the Parkinson’s Foundation created a space for shared experiences, they have also put together a resource library of their keys to living well with PD; including various YouTube videos, visual cues, and so much more.

Open Arms Solutions not only understands the importance awareness plays in the eventual cure of this illness, but also the treatment and maintenance of individuals living with PD. Our caregivers provide specialized care for our clients that suffer from PD, providing activities that engage and promote living a successful life with PD.

For more information on our Parkinson’s care, give our team a call at (847) 272-4997 or visit our Facebook page.

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