
During these difficult times it can be challenging to find activities that keep us engaged and entertained while we continue to social distance. Here are a few of our favorite activities that we have been doing to keep busy!


Luckily with today’s technology we have the opportunity of communicating & even seeing our loved ones from our own homes. More traditional communication can be done through Facebook or Email – even a simple message to an old friend or loved one can really make an impact during these difficult times. Also, if you and a loved one both own a smartphone then you can not only call your loved one but you can also see each other using FaceTime.

Scrabble game in progressGames & Puzzles

A great place to start when searching for an activity is Word Games! From crossword puzzles to Sudoku to wordsearches, all these different types of word games not only keep you entertained but also keep your brain engaged. If words aren’t your thing, maybe a good old-fashioned jigsaw puzzle is – or maybe computer games like Solitaire or Hearts is your thing. Give all these games a try and I’m sure your afternoon will fly by!

Coloring Pagescolored pencils scaled e1588173416231

Now some may say that coloring pages are only for children, but we strongly disagree. Coloring can be a way for adults to get creative or it can be a way to relax and calm some anxiety through these times. Here are a few free coloring pages to get you started: https://bit.ly/2XruiAY

Online Experiences

You probably never thought that one day you could experience the Guggenheim Museum or the National Gallery of Art from the comfort of your couch – but you can! A variety of museums, zoos, National Parks, Broadway theaters and many more venues are putting their activities online for you to view at home. Watch your favorite animal at the Lincoln Park Zoo or visit the Great Wall of China – check out all the travel destinations & experiences available to you online, here.

All these activities and more are a great way to pass the time while we are social distancing. For more information about activities or our caregiving services, call 847-272-4997.

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