
Did you know? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, heart disease is the leading cause of death for men and women in the United States – that totals about 647,000 people each year. As startling as these facts are, research shows that heart disease can be prevented. There are adjustments that we as individuals can make to our daily routines that can not only prevent heart disease but improve our heart health overall.

Here are a few tips to start making those adjustments:

Manage Stress in a Healthy Way

Stress is a large contributing factor to high blood pressure and other heart disease risk factors. Coping with this stress is where some can fall into unhealthy patterns, such as drinking, overeating, smoking, etc. Learning to change these patterns into healthy options is not as hard as you think, try these!

  • Talking with friends, family, community support systems
  • Practicing meditation
  • Being physically active

Be Active

Consistent exercise can improve your health in many ways! It can help you lose weight, lower your “bad” cholesterol levels, improve your “good” cholesterol levels, lower your stress and lower your risk for other conditions like type 2 diabetes.

walking up stairs

Get a Good Night’s Rest

Sleep plays a very important role in your overall health and wellbeing. Not getting enough sleep or getting low-quality sleep can impair brain function and put you at risk for chronic health problems. Adults over the age of 18 should be getting between seven to nine hours of sleep every night to maintain your physical health.

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