
We have become masters at juggling the many aspects of our lives these days: kids, work, managing parents, and now COVID-19. It can be difficult to relieve this stress & anxiety during our busy schedules. Here are just a few ways of our favorite ways to relieve those anxious feelings:


Nothing better to ward off those bad feelings than some good old-fashioned endorphins! It can be a bit more challenging to fit in a workout while we are staying at home but there are tons of resources online; from instructional videos, to fitness phone apps, all those and more to help us stay healthy!


Finding the time and the space for some “Me-Time” is almost impossible these days – but even a simple 10 minutes of quiet reflection time can make a big difference for our mental health. Silence your phone, put a movie on for the kids, light a candle and enjoy some peace & quiet.


Another way to handle anxious or stressful feelings is to write them down. Record what you are stressed out about or write down the things that you are thankful for in your life. Sometimes reflecting on the positive aspects can help us move away from the negative.

Spend Time with Family & Friends

A simple coffee date with friends is not easy anymore with everything going on – but that doesn’t mean we have to isolate ourselves to stay healthy. There are so many different digital options for us to stay social while being safe; FaceTiming with family out-of-town, Zoom Happy Hour with friends, so many options. If technology isn’t your thing, that’s okay too – pull out a lawn chair and have a neighborhood socially distant party from your driveway.



Laughter is the best medicine, right? It’s difficult to think about all those stressors when you are smiling and laughing. Find a funny new show to watch or pick up the Sunday comics and have a good laugh at the latest Pickles hijinks. Remember to laugh at least once every day!

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